Sunday, 1 January 2012

Start as you mean to go on

Wow, what a New Years Eve, I had no idea or concept of time the whole night. I can now state that I had the opportunity to do a 38 second countdown, at one point turned in to everyone going THE 12th DONG, THE 12TH DONG!!! followed by a rushed 3,2,1, and disappointingly no Auld Lang Syne but ho hum such is life. What did happen was some epic cracker pulling followed by a tasty minature cigar and a glass of champagne, it sounds kind of classy and in all of our heads it was, but I'm sure to anyone looking from the outside in, it probably would of looked like feeding time at the lion enclosure.

Talking about Lions, I just want to spin into Tigers, you see I lost 50p to Tomek as I was convinced a female Tiger was not called a Tigeress. We backed this up by asking his cousin and her friends, to which the answers we go were "Lioness, Leopard" sigh kids today. Anyway turns out it is a Tigeress and I think that sucks, I want a new word for it.

Also, anyone reading this blog, can you name a single Female Professor in a Horror Movie? It's a subject of debate and I for one am stumped.

Ok so what else happened last night, well apart from my usual traight of outwitting somebody to the extent they stormed out in defeat over a disturbing debate on whether Women should pay for Tampons (yh I know, sigh how do I get involved in this shizzle?), I also got involved in a very good debate about whether the UK should be part of the EU, and from a legal background I for one am sick of the inconcistincies and lack of democracy yet see that leaving the EU could lead to the extreme situation of rationing again :s. I dunno but I guess my point is America, it's not amazing for law but they have Federal Law and State Law, obviously a Federal Law can make states stop doing certain things, but some of the laws made by the Federal Legislative bodies allow states to opt in or opt out. It works better than this EU bullshit so why not give it a try? I guess by the time any of this really affects me I will be living in America anyway :P

Who'd of thought an intelligent conversation would take place at 3am after drinking from 6pm? Ah well Tomek never ceases to amaze me.

So here's the thing, last night I enjoyed myself a lot, I spent it with family friends I have known my whole life, friends I have known the last 6 months, and new friends I had never met before. It was awesome and it made me realise that this is what I want this year. To stay in touch with friends from my past, keep close with recent friends, and make many more. What I do want to avoid though is getting home as the sun rises, never fun when I struggle to sleep if there is even a hint of light coming off my laptop, or the standby button on the TV let alone the morning ummmm Sun??? shining through.

SO here's to this year, and here is to the people that made last year so incredible, I could sit here and write something about each and every one of you but I won't. You all know how awesome you are, how much I love you, and how thankful I am to have you as part of my life... as a part of me. I can't promise we won't argue, I can't say it will always be fun, but what I do know is if we wrote down every event or chat over thenext year, the good times will outweight the bad 100 to 1. If you didn't argue with someone ever than it's a problem, if you argue too much, it's a problem, but any problem is resolveable as long as you hang on to the good times you have you will see that a true friend stands by, picks you up after punching you to the ground, and says the dumbest stuff when they have nothing to say just to make you laugh.

Thanks all and let's make this year count, this is for us, this is for now, this is for living.

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