Monday, 2 January 2012

This is crazy, being off work and having this free time all I want to do is write. I've had a few ideas for a book or movie that I want to get started on and I've written a fair bit so maybe I'll focus on that more.

It's been incredible, recently I have had more people viewing my blog and telling me in person they admire my honesty and the fact I write what I feel. The thing is, nothing I write is ever written to hurt anyone and I try to make sure I don't but if anybody does read something I write and is offended then I am sorry you are offended but not sorry I wrote it as I want to stay true to myself by writing my thoughts and emotions. It means that on days you will see a really positive post, others a sad version but writing just puts my mind at ease and me at peace.

This break has been required, it has been so pleasant and given me time to think, and be me rather than a robot. My job is tough, it is heavily commission based and I have had a change in managers and approach which I had to adapt to only for it to change back after his departure. The long hours and the stress often means that in evenings I don't want to talk to anyone because I want my conversations to be good and happy however I still enjoy interaction with people. As I've said in previous posts I have direction with my life, well maybe not so much my life but certainly the next year or so.

Today is going to be interesting, it was nice picking my sister up to get her car and having a drink, we don't talk much anymore and that is massively down to me. She is always inviting me for drinks with her and her friends, I don't do that back for two reasons, firstly there hasn't been much going out recently, secondly I am super protective of her and while it might not make sense I don't like to have her around my friends when they are drunk in case someone says something I don't like, or someone we don't know does either. Nevertheless a quiet drink is something I want to do more with her this year.

The rest of the day is pretty much planned. Shortly I will be going to meet one of the most bubbly, happy people I have ever been blessed to know at Kings Cross. She was my girlfriends roomate in America and she is coming to England to study so I'm sure she will be over excited. It will be fun but I'm not feeling too great today, severe lack of sleep caused by new years, and watching NFL yesterday has made me fall victim to a cold of sorts with a lack of my voice. I need it back for tomorrow so in honesty I am hoping to spend an hour or so with her and then shoot home for some warm ribena and an early night! I'm hardcore I know!!

Tomorrow it is back to work, back to reality. I feel prepared and positive about work and what I can achieve over the next quarter. It's time to step up and impress and I kind of can't wait. It will be good to see the faces of people I spend 60 hours a week with so yeah it should be good.

Well this blog hasn't been as crazy as others but I wanted to write. Another thing in the pipeline this year is my business, my company, lets get it launched this year it willbe fun and exciting I just need to start have conversations with the investors again.

Have a good time back at work all.

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